Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.7- Design Specification (A)

What is being made is students are making posters to talk about what the IBO words mean. The project is for students to understand what IB students are. The purpose is basically to do our blog entries and make 5 posters with pictures. The poster is for people and students who are interested about what are IB World Schools. The size requirements for the poster is a basic typical size that isnt too big and isnt too small, its just to let people know what your talking about and have your point get across to people. The Design Elements that are required is that you must have a picture. You must have the picture mean something like what the word is. The word must be in Bold highlighted letters, so people can be grabbed on to it. The materials needed in this project would be printing paper, plastic covering, a camera, creativity, and a lot of ink.

Blog Entry # 1.6 - Design Brief (A)

I am going to design and make a poster that shows people how to act like IB Learners. The poster will have a border that says a word and a picture that will show what the word means. The project is for TMA students to know what the IBO words are. The materials in my poster will be made of recycled paper and printed out from the computer. The size of the poster won't be so big it will be regular size like the size of an looseleaf sheet. This project is great for students who want to know more about what IB League schools are about.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.5 - Areas Of Interaction (A)

The Areas Of Interaction that have been highlighted by Mr.Wang are that we must have a picture and a IB Learner Profile word that we can represent. The words must describe the way we become an IB student. We must take a picture that represents the IB Learner Word. The picture has to be rhetorical and have understanding to viewers.

Blog Entry # 1.4 - Design Task (A)

The design task that we have choose to solve is to complete posters using IB Profile words. The IB Learner Profile words we are chose to do is an example of what student were supposed to be. The words are inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk takers, balanced, & being reflective students. As an IB World School students have these words to act by. This project will help TMA 9th grade students be more productive and social.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.3- Poster Analysis 3 (A)

The main image in the poster is a girl saying she is open-minded because she knows different cultures. The image doesnt really make sense to me because you don't have to know all your states and countires to be open-minded you also have to think outside the box. The color is a very good choice because it blends with the picture that is in the poster. The font for the message is good but the actual lettering for the main word should'nt be so disheveled. In my opinion the poster could've been better but this person did a good job of using color but just not getting there point across to viewers.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.2- Poster Analysis 2 (A)

The main image in this poster is a science teacher observing a student completing her science project. The image does have a point to what the words "INQUIRERS" because inquirers are curious and like to wonder a lot and this girl in the picture is experimenting, which means to try new things. The color for the background is black. Black is a very bold color to get someones attention and pink just brings the black out more so whomever did this poster had good choice of color. The word inquirers is at the top of the poster which makes sense because people can connect the word first and then see that the picture makes sense to where the person was going with this poster. The font used in this poster was used correctly and its better with that pink that pops because people can actually see the words a little and the font is a little more bigger than the last poster. So it was good that the person who made this poster pick pink.

Blog Entry # 1.1- Poster Analysis 1 (A)

The main image in this poster is a clock. This poster effectively communicates the point of the poster becuase it shows that excellence takes time to get to.The colors used in this poster are great becuase it shows power and the letters are bold. The letters in the poster are located at the bottom and in the middle of the poster. There located there becuase they want viewers to see exactly what the poster is talking about. The font used on the main word was good but the quote itself should've been more bigger or bolder so people can actually see what it saids.