Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blog Entry #3.8 - Target Consumer (B)

My poster will attract couples who want to go to France for a honey moon or just to have fun. The couples will enjoy looking in the capital of France which is Paris. To attract their interest I will put different beaches and restaurants in my poster. Also I will suggest that they go see the Eiffel Tower.

Blog Entry #3.5 - Design Brief (A)

1. I am going to design and make posters for tourists who want to go to France. Its design will have different monuments, people and places on the posters that are good to visit.
2. The goal of this project is to make tourists believe that France is a good place to go and that they won't regret going there.
3. My posters will be for couples who want to go for their honeymoon or just for fun. France is a very romantic place to go and they will enjoy it.
4. The important elements that will make this a successful product is if there are important facts and true facts that influence people to go.
5. The specific designs I don't want in my poster is irrelevant things that wouldn't catch the tourists attention.

Blog Entry #3.4 - Process Journal (C)

The specific steps that I will need is to know what France is about, different monuments, and showing the tourist that France is a place they will have fun and its a diverse country.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Entry #3.7 - Image Research (A)

Capital City: Paris
Name Of Currency: EUROFlag:
Current Leader:Nicolas Sarkozy
Monument, Attraction or Historical Site of Interest To Tourists: Native Food in France:
National Bird: A Gallic Rooster

Blog Entry #3.6 - Country Research (A)

1. Name of Country: France
2.Web Adresses of all Sources (copy and paste) : www.currencymuseum.net/.../france152d-1989o.JPGpaste http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_of_France http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_France
3. Basic Facts
a. Capital City: Paris
b. Population: 62,616,488
c. Monetary Unit/ Currency:
d. Official Language(s): French
4.Current Leader: Nicolas Sarkozy
5. Flag:6. Map of Country:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Entry #3.3- Poster Research (A)

1. What about this poster stood out to you more than the other posters?

- It related to what young people wanted. Me, I like adventure so if I see and ad or a poster with young people I'm going to know that it's for me because it fun.

2. Based upon the photos and text used, what type of tourist is being targeted by this poster? What are his/her interests?

-The tourist being targeted are young people, their interests is basically having fun and exploring different creatures in the ocean of Australia.

Blog Entry #3.2 - Dream Destination (A)

1. What city and/or country would you visit?
-I would visit Bangladesh.
2.Why are you interested in visiting this city/country? What would you do during your visit? Be specific!
-I'm interested in visiting this country because my best friend is from there and she always tells me that it's very peaceful and beautiful country.

Blog Entry #3.1- Design Task (A)

The design task I have been asked to complete is make a poster about France for this project. I will be creating/designing posters for tourist who want to travel to France.